Can Employers Mandate COVID-19 Vaccines?

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Can your employer mandate that you get a COVID-19 vaccine?

Article Highlights
  • New COVID-19 vaccines are likely to be approved by FDA for emergency use
  • Employers may decide to implement mandatory vaccination programs
  • Key considerations will be making reasonable accommodations under the ADA for employees with a disability or for religious beliefs under Title VII
  • Unionized employers must be aware of the possible duty to bargain any such program collective bargaining agreements

NEMRA Members can read the full article here: [member url=””]Can Employers Mandate COVID-19 Vaccines?[/member]

Document Templates for NEMRA Members

[member url=””]Mandatory Vaccine Program (Word Document template)[/member]

[member url=””]Request for Medical Exemption COVID-19 Vaccine[/member]

[member url=””]Request for Religious Accommodation COVID-19 Vaccine[/member]

All content provided from Barnes & Thornburg LLP’s COVID-19 Resources
