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Technology and Software Service Provider

The Easy CRM and Commission Software for Manufacturers' Representatives
Do you have the process and the low-friction system to track your spec work through to the commission check? Repfabric does this. Do you assign jobs to specific salespeople that drive them through to purchase orders and commission checks? Repfabric does this. Do you have an “Easy” button, that shows the jobs deal funnel that you can share with your manufacturers to show their component pieces in their CRM system or monthly report? Repfabric does this. What about an “Easy” button to share jobs with your team to create a competitive esprit de corps of deal winners? Repfabric does this. What do you think it costs you if you don’t?
Spec in something unique with lots of customer engineering hours behind it and that business is yours. You really don’t care which contractor builds it, or which distributor supplies it. You are locked in.
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Purchase Repfabric's Exclusive Report
Both reports are bundled into an annual subscription of only $99!
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